postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Munchen, Michaelshofkirche - Inneres

Dear Father, thanks very much for all the papers that came today - John O’L. the Sketches etc. I saw a short note in one of the papers about the funeral of a dancer called Argentina - it wasn’t the great Argentine was it surely? We haven’t been getting any news at all and [???] has no bills[???] allowed. Did you like the one I sent you about Olympia? Renee [???] will be home on Monday I think and will be phoning you she sends her love. I got a marvelous 75pf airmail stamp today in the PO and will send it when I have a heavy enough letter. It was lying in a drawer at the side of the counter and I asked for it without thinking that it’s worth 9dm. Maybe my first letter from Isenach will be heavy enough.

Munchen, Michaelshofkirche - Inneres



Munchen, Michaelshofkirche - Inneres

July 26th, 1936 at 9:07 pm

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