postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Unterkunftshaus Spitzingsee

We’re now sitting at a cafe above the Spitzingsee and this is exactly the view facing me. We were up to the top of the Badenschneid 1660m and it was some climb I know I’m going to ache all over tomorrow. Coming down (different route) we had to practically slide all the way as it was just a yellow [???] path and my shoes are quite ruined. We hadn’t realised what we were coming too and I am wearing my shoes with the suede parts. It’s been very dull for which we were thankful as it would have been just about impossible on that mountain with sun beating on us. Much Love Helen.

Unterkunftshaus Spitzingsee


76. Unterkunftshaus Spitzingsee

August 1st, 1936 at 8:40 pm

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