331, Der Fuhrer mit der Jugend
#85. 331, Der Fuhrer mit der Jugend
Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten
10th August 1936
This is the last of the pictures I had of Hitler except a portrait one of him sitting in an aeroplane looking very pessimistic (the kind we see of him in the papers) so I’ll use up some of my views before buying any more of him. It’s not for lack of news that I’m writing pcs and such shorter letters now but because I seem to have much less time than ever during the day. We go out straight after breakfast and walk till lunchtime. And then out again immediately and walk till supper but we never seem to get tired. Miss D is great fun and has a grand sense of humour and it’s nice having a companion who sees the joke on everything. We get on very well together. She is 35. Love from Helen.