postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s


There was a letter from mum this morning and one from Dorothy which I’m replying to seperately, a letter there from being such an event in my life. This little lake lies along the side of the main road I go past it everytime I go into the town it has swans on it and little tin rowing boats with rather diminuitive oars, that’s a swan’s home in the middle of it and I think the erection the left is a bandstand. It’s very pretty and there are white seats all around. The water is [???] clean and you can see easily to the bottom. My address at Markt Bright Handels [???] Reals Schule, Marktbrite Main, Bayern, Deustchland and I’ll be there on the evening of the 19th.



August 13th, 1936 at 11:57 am

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