postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Hotel auf der Wartburg

This is a picture of Elizabeth’s chapel inside the Wartburg and the colours are really pretty well reproduced. There’s a whole gallery of epsisodes in St Elizabeth’s life and incidents showing her kindness to the sick and then her chapel comes at the end of the corridor. The windows and roof are particularly lovely only three of the eight tiny snapshots came out owing to bad light but they only cost 3 1/2d so that’s not so bad. The three [???] were good but we know to take the others in very strong light now.

Hotel auf der Wartburg



Hotel auf der Wartburg

Zweiggeschaft des Hotel Excelsior berlin Grobtes Hotel des Kontinents
Eigentumer: Curt Elschner
Wartburg, Pallas Kapelle
Verlag: hotel Excelsior, Berlin - In eigener Druckerei hergestellt

August 16th, 1936 at 11:47 am

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