postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Hotel auf der Wartburg

Another view of the interior of the Wartburg this is Luther’s room. Behind where this photograph has been taken there is a lovely old cupboard with carved doors and it’s rather unfortunate it got left out. The green thing on the right is the stove, that’s the kind you find in most homes especially in the country and in mountain huts and chalets. The [???] on the extreme right is a wooden bed also with lots of carving on it but it’s just the frame there’s no spring or clothes on it. The roof of it was carved wood too I hope Auntie is having a good time at Carluke[???] and Fife.

Hotel auf der Wartburg



Hotel auf der Wartburg

Zweiggeschaft des Hotel Excelsior berlin Grobtes Hotel des Kontinents
Eigentumer: Curt Elschner
Verlag: hotel Excelsior, Berlin - In eigener Druckerei hergestellt

August 16th, 1936 at 11:49 am

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