postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Currently browsing posts found in August1936

Bodenschneidhaus 1365m mid Gripfel 1669m

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#77 Bodenschneidhaus 1365m mid Gripfel 1669m

This is more than half way up a mountain and we’re lunching in this chalet at the moment. There’s a man playing his accordion and everything is very lovely. By chance this morning coming out in the train we sat in the same compartment as five girls from Glasgow. One […]

Unterkunftshaus Spitzingsee

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We’re now sitting at a cafe above the Spitzingsee and this is exactly the view facing me. We were up to the top of the Badenschneid 1660m and it was some climb I know I’m going to ache all over tomorrow. Coming down (different route) we had to practically slide all the way as it […]

Marktbreit Durchblick a. Unt Tor 11630

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This is taken from a gate on the riverside of town, we walk about half a mile along the side of the road that you see starting up on the right and this is the kind of street throughout the town. You’ve no idea how filthy and full of smells these little streets are but […]

Das Malerische Wurzburg 9.

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Am still kicking but haven’t time to write. Can I stay overnight in London with some of the Academy people - [???] and others - if father is going to be away? [???] [???] Tom Collins today, I think he is going to be away with Adam from Sunday, does that work? I’ll be writing […]

Marktbreit a. Main. Blick zum Maintor

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Thanks for Mum’s letter lately, will probably come home by midnight train from London on Tuesday night in as much hurry as usual. Have had only two free hours today Best Love Helen.

#66. Marktbreit a. Main. Blick zum Maintor

Marktbreit a. Main

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Sorry I forgot I enclosed the maps yesterday in my airmail letter, as you can see Marktbreit is a tiny little town of the middle ages [12th Century] and the houses are all like the ones in this picture all buldgy walls and overhanging windows and timbering. This dirty little stream runs down to the […]

Verlag: M. Schnerr Nachf, Marktbreit a. Main Nachdruck Verboten

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Verlag: M. Schnerr Nachf, Marktbreit a. Main Nachdruck Verboten
Jane Dawkings has given me the address of a hotel owned by a friend (Lady Scotch) of hers and it’s very cheap so that is where I moved today. Nothing else to say just now, have been in Rothenburg all day.

1768 Obere Furstalm geg Rotwand

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Liebetant! Vielen Dang fur diene karte. Ich hoffe alles Weidenmill zint wohl. Munchen ist eine sher sehon.
Iche liebe Duetschland.

1768 Obere Furstalm geg Rotwand
Obere Furstalm
Bes. Joh. Ehrensberger, ganzjahrig bewirtschaftet.
Betten u. Matratzenlager, guye Verpflegung
Herrliches Skigelande
Nr. 1768 Aufnahme u. Verlag Georg Eitzenberger, Photograph, Schliersee Jede Art Vervielfaltigung verboten

Burg der Frau Holle

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Dear Mum, Isn’t this lovely, it’s just perfect country for wandering about in. We watched the fireworks last night from the balcony of the Prince’s sitting room (he doesn’t return from Berlin until tonight) and there were some marvellous rockets and some shot up little parachutes that floated a firework like a star which burned […]

Eisenach, Die schone Wartburgstadt. Blick vom Scivalbennest auf den Wilheimsthaler See

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This is the lovely kind of country I’m staying in and it’s all as beautiful as this, even though I still prefer Munich somehow. I think I’m getting more like father and I’m beginning to prefer town life. In Munich too you had such lovely parks in the town itself and the glorious country so […]