postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Currently browsing posts found in August1936


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There was a letter from mum this morning and one from Dorothy which I’m replying to seperately, a letter there from being such an event in my life. This little lake lies along the side of the main road I go past it everytime I go into the town it has swans on it and […]

Wartburg, Blick auf Eisenach, BurschenSchaftsdenkmal u. Burschenhaus

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I’m in a park at Wartburg just now waiting around til it’s time for the Marktbrite[???] train. It’s too hot to walk about so I’m sitting on a park chair with five children making sand pies at my feet. I’ve left my writing paper in my atache case which is in the left luggage. Otherwise […]

Hotel auf der Wartburg

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Another view of the interior of the Wartburg this is Luther’s room. Behind where this photograph has been taken there is a lovely old cupboard with carved doors and it’s rather unfortunate it got left out. The green thing on the right is the stove, that’s the kind you find in most homes especially in […]

Hotel auf der Wartburg

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This is a picture of Elizabeth’s chapel inside the Wartburg and the colours are really pretty well reproduced. There’s a whole gallery of epsisodes in St Elizabeth’s life and incidents showing her kindness to the sick and then her chapel comes at the end of the corridor. The windows and roof are particularly lovely only […]

Aufn. W u. E. Hage, Naumburg a. Saale.

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Aufn. W u. E. Hage, Naumburg a. Saale.
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Schiller von Klauer

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Schiller von Klauer
Verlag: E. Schulte, Weimar

Wolfgang von Goethe

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Wolfgang von Goethe

Die Sehona Wartburg Stadt

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I’ve just bought a huge pile of the lovliest pcs so you’ll be getting a spate of them now. We heard about the Prince yesterday although they seem to keep him out of sight all the time. He’s 24 just and is with a battalion and [???] regiment stationed in the Eisenach garrison and is […]

Weimar, Goethe-Nationalmuseum

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Weimar, Goethe-Nationalmuseum
L. Held, Hofphotograph, Weimar, Marienstrabe 1, Tel. 432 Nachdruck verboten

Weimar, Schillerhaus

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I’m spending all of today in Weimar and made the awful discovery on arrival that our tickets here were only single and not return as we thought having paid 3.70 each for them so this is going to be a much more expensive day than we intended it to be. We’ve already been in the […]