postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Munchen, Hofbrauhaus

Dear Dorothy, thankyou very much for your letter. Do you mean to say you haven’t returned my library after all the times I reminded you still, I haven’t to pay the 1-/4 so it’s not so bad. Congrats on your golf, did you see Helen or Auntie B playing at all? Did you see the Charlie Chaplin picture? I think I told you we saw a comedy one night with Annie [???] in it and we’ve been told that some of the picture houses in Munich have cushioned seats, I can hardly believe it though. We may go to see Ruffles of Red Soap some week night. Much Love Helen.

Munchen, Hofbrauhaus



Munchen, Hofbrauhaus

A. Lengauer, Munchen Nr 152

July 16th, 1936 at 8:51 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

Munchen, Odeonsplatz m. Feldherrnhalle

Dear Dorothy, this shows you the front of the temple place that was in the photographs with the two soldiers that always stand on guard either side of a mem [orial?]-tablet. They’re just around the side of it on the left. The open place in front is where there are always thousands and thousands of pigeons and crowds of people get them to feed out of their hands, and there are always a lot of photographers about. Professional ones too, taking snaps of the pigeons and the hall. You can see what the streetcars are like too - green with two or three coaches, the one in front pulling the others. The long red flags with black Swasticas are all over the place, you can see two in front of the halls. With best love from Helen.

Munchen, Odeonsplatz m. Feldherrnhalle



Munchen, Odeonsplatz m. Feldherrnhalle

Nr 118 Suddeutcher Junstyerlg M. Seidlein, Munchen

July 10th, 1936 at 8:49 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Munchen, Deutches Museum

Dear Auntie, This shows you how elaborate the stonework of the bridges is, you can see the heads carved on the side of the further away bridge too. It’s all very dazzling in bright sunlight and looks lovely. On Saturday we’re going on excursion ??? the Alps Uberammegan (???) with the ??? students at the university and on Sunday there is another excursion on the river bar in big rafts so we’ll being seeing some of the country outside of Munich then. Much Love from Helen.

Munchen, Deutches Museum



Munchen, Deutches Museum

A. Lengauer, Munchen Nr 67

July 16th, 1936 at 8:47 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Munchen, Friedensengel

Munchen, Friedensengel



Munchen, Friedensengel

A, Lengauer, Munchen Nr 508.

July 15th, 1936 at 8:45 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Munchen Ludwigsbrucke m. Volksbad

Munchen Ludwigsbrucke m. Volksbad



Munchen Ludwigsbrucke m. Volksbad

Nr 122 Suddeutscher Junstverlaf M. Seidlein, Munchen

July 15th, 1936 at 8:43 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Munchen Universitat

Dear Auntie, Thank you for your nice letter which arrived this a.m. This is the front of the univeristy and the lido(???) fountains play all day. If there wasn’t a lot of trees in between I think we would get a view slightly to the right of this from our bedroom window. The street is Ludwig Strasse and the ??? is about ??? one ??? stop further on on the right. We were in Woolworths again today and bought sandwich paper and a penny spoon for our honey as before we’ve used a flat ice cream spoon for our honey.

Munchen Universitat


Munchen Universitat

July 15th, 1936 at 8:38 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Munchen Deutches Museum

Dear Mum,  Thankyou for your letter - with Dorothy’s enclosed- which came today. Aren’t the p.c’s just marvelous? I’m sending as many as I can, so that we can have an album of them, and there are still dozens more! I keep a note of which ones I’m sending. Tell father that I’ve a great variety of stamps for the next few letters., but I don’t want to put them on postcards as it would ruin the p.c.tearing off the stamp. There is a Serenade concert tonight - a quintette playing in the open air- and it starts at 9 in the residency, so we’e going to it in about half an hour. Much love from Helen

Munchen Deutshes Museum



Munchen Deutshes Museum


July 16th, 1936 at 8:34 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Koln a .Rhein

Koln a .Rhein



Koln a .Rhein

Schatzkammer in der St. Ursula-Kirche
Eduard Hoizermann, Koln a. Rh.

July 15th, 1930 at 3:58 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

3. - Une Bonne Pique - Un Buen Puyazo

San Sebastian Spain.

As it is “an Old Spanish Custom” I send you this p.c. [postcard]. We were at a Bull Fight, in which they killed 8 bulls, 1 horse, another horse disabled and a toreador almost gored. It is the last word in thrills. Up to now they haven’t killed us. We are having a spledid holiday. We have been to Lourdes and also over the Pyrennes three times, from “the Spaniard who blighted your life”.

J. Howatson.

3. - Une Bonne Pique - Un Buen Puyazo



3. - Une Bonne Pique - Un Buen Puyazo

July 29th, 1930 at 3:53 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Carl Hagenbeck’s Tierpark, Stellingen


Carl Hagenbeck’s Tierpark, Stellingen

Offene Raubtierschlucht
Gesetzlich geschutzt
Photogr. und Verlag von Kumm Gebr., Hamburg 8. No. 102.

Carl Hagenbeck’s Tierpark, Stellingen


July 15th, 1938 at 3:44 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink