postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Urlaubstage auf Heiligendamm

#80. Urlaubstage auf Heiligendamm

667. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten

12th August 1936

[???] written this am and sent letter (3 papers) off airmail. It has been quite interesting having Rena over but she didn’t appreciate things nearly as much as I did so it will be rather a different opinion you would get from her. I hope auntie has a nice time at Carluke there was another letter from her this morning. Yes I got the other one okay I thought I had mentioned it already, thanks for all of them, I’m looking forward to Dorothy’s next. I bought two [???] works for 6dm each today and a book about Comrade Viedt illustrated on every page for 2dm also a picture book about Hitler in the mountains and a book of Durer’s work the most marvellous value you ever saw With Love Helen.

Urlaubstage auf Heiligendamm


August 12th, 1936 at 5:26 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink



Orig Aufnahme Kunst una Verlagsanstalt Martin Herpich Munchen

Dear Mr Fergus,
I’m sure you’ll be amused to know that this is how the people dress in Bavaria, not onlin in the country but in town as well. This picture shows you too what fun the folk dances are, and the music is usually provided by some one playing an accordion. It’s all very jolly and gay.
With best wishes,
From Helen Shields.



August 5th, 1936 at 9:40 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Kleiner Besuch

#79. Kleiner Besuch

727. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten

Kleiner Besuch


August 1st, 1936 at 9:38 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Orig Aufnahme Kunst una Verlagsanstalt Martin Herpich Munchen


Orig Aufnahme Kunst una Verlagsanstalt Martin Herpich Munchen


This is one of the South Bavarian dances and these are the clothes I’ve been trying to describe to you. These frills are dirnl in their [???] clothes into [???] - with scarf hankies [???] and are flowers  on the front of the frocks - but the men are exactly as you see them here, when they’re not wearing [???] There must be something on with the soldiers tonight because the 5th [???] I’ve heard are farming[?] just now singing Hitler songs. They are queer at night to hear and there are a lot of sudden [???] in the music that every man is absolutely exacty with and they an unexpected effect. Did you like the Olympics magazine,
Love from Helen.

July 31st, 1936 at 11:06 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

78. Der Fuhreh im Flugzeug

Der Fuhreh im Flugzeug

Der Fuhreh im Flugzeug


July 31st, 1936 at 11:04 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Photo Ellinger, Salzburg

#106 Photo Ellinger, Salzburg - Nachdruck verboten.

Photo Ellinger, Salzburg


(To Helen Shields)
You don’t need to be told who this is.
Thank you for the papers!
Find you & Dorothy are classed as key pupils.
Das freut snich [???]
B.S. [from Betty Spence [Scotland’s premier violinist at the time)]

July 31st, 1936 at 9:38 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

Ein Sonntagskonzert im Hause Liszts im Jahre 1882

#105 Ein Sonntagskonzert im Hause Liszts im Jahre 1882 vor em Grobherzog Carl Alexander und GroBherzogin Sophie. Liszt lebte in Weimar in den Jahren 1849-59  und 1869-86.

Ein Sonntagskonzert im Hause Liszts im Jahre 1882


Orig Gemalde v. Prof. Hans W. Schmidt in der Wimerhalle.
phot L. Bonitz.
Personen von links nach rechts: Abbe Franz Liszt; seine Schuler; D’Albert Syloti, Reinthaler, Reisenauer, Friedmann; hinter dem Flugel; Goepfarth, Emil Sauer Kellermann, Liebling, Hausminister v GroB, Lisztschuler Stavenhagen. Adutant v. Cranach, Staatminister v. Minkwitz, Major Hofopernsanger Ferenzij Prof. Th. Hagen, Landschaftsmaler Carl Rettich, Prof. Albert Brendel, Generalmusikdir, Ed. Lassen, Landschaftsmaler Fritz v. Schennis, Prof. Struys v. d. Kunstschule, Musikrezensent Gottschalg, Frl. Star, Freifraud v. Helldorf, Hans v Wolzogen, Frau v. GroB, Fri Adelheid v Schorn, Alma Senkrah (Liszt’s Lieblings-schulerin), Baronin v. Meyndorff.
Verlag u Alleinvervielfaltigungsrecht: Buchbinder-Innung Weimar. Nr 708.

July 18th, 1931 at 8:07 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (6) | Permalink

Aus Dem Bachaus in Eifanach

#104 Aus Dem Bachaus in Eifanach

Aus Dem Bachaus in Eifanach


Fedezeidnung von Zanns Boct
Verlag der Neuen BachgefeUfchaft, Leipzig

July 18th, 1931 at 4:52 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Johann Sebastien Bach

#103 Johann Sebastien Bach

Johann Sebastien Bach


July 18th, 1930 at 6:57 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Aus Dem Bachaus in Eisenach

#102 Aus Dem Bachaus in Eifenach

Aus Dem Bachaus in Eifenach


July 30th, 1931 at 3:46 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink