postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Echte Photographie Original Abzug

I am here again, very much wondering where you are. Have been at Kirkenschavgen [???] in the Bavarian alps and am now wandering at my will towards Eisenach. What fun if only you could be there too. I’m at present at Nuremberg, it’s a lovely old city, were you here? Write when you have time, I wonder very much how and where you are. Much love from Jane.

Echte Photographie Original Abzug



Echte Photographie Original Abzug

Gesetzlich geschutzt
Original Bromsilber Karte der Graphicschen Kunstanstalt E.von Leistner, Muggendorf Spezial Firma fur Bromsilber Rotation

August 10th, 1937 at 12:25 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Marktbreit Durchblick a. Unt Tor 11630

This is taken from a gate on the riverside of town, we walk about half a mile along the side of the road that you see starting up on the right and this is the kind of street throughout the town. You’ve no idea how filthy and full of smells these little streets are but of course they’re very quaint and picturesque. I’m writing a letter airmail at the same time as this and I’m sorry for neglecting some days last week. Think that you’ll be seeing me within a week, I’m sure you’re thrilled to death.
Much Love Helen.

Marktbreit Durchblick a. Unt Tor 11630



Marktbreit Durchblick a. Unt Tor 11630

Verlag M.Schnerr, Nachf Marktbreit a. M. Nachdruck verboten

August 26th, 1936 at 8:56 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Das Malerische Wurzburg 9.

Am still kicking but haven’t time to write. Can I stay overnight in London with some of the Academy people - [???] and others - if father is going to be away? [???] [???] Tom Collins today, I think he is going to be away with Adam from Sunday, does that work? I’ll be writing to him to come to London, we’ll phone on arrival anyway. Lots of Love Helen.

Das Malerische Wurzburg 9.



Das Malerische Wurzburg 9.

Blick Von Der Feste Auf Dom
Neumunster und Mainbrucke
Altekunst in Franken
Verlag K. Gundermann / Wurzberg

August 28th, 1936 at 11:54 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Marktbreit a. Main. Blick zum Maintor

Thanks for Mum’s letter lately, will probably come home by midnight train from London on Tuesday night in as much hurry as usual. Have had only two free hours today Best Love Helen.

Marktbreit a. Main. Blick zum Maintor


#66. Marktbreit a. Main. Blick zum Maintor

August 30th, 1936 at 1:15 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Marktbreit a. Main

Sorry I forgot I enclosed the maps yesterday in my airmail letter, as you can see Marktbreit is a tiny little town of the middle ages [12th Century] and the houses are all like the ones in this picture all buldgy walls and overhanging windows and timbering. This dirty little stream runs down to the Mainz river and that’s a bridge above with the street running inside. All the streets twist into one another and are only cobbled and are mostly in a filthy state but everyone seems to accept the smells as being just a picturesque characteristic of the town and noone worries.
Much Love Helen.

Marktbreit a. Main



Marktbreit a. Main

August 21st, 1936 at 1:22 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Verlag: M. Schnerr Nachf, Marktbreit a. Main Nachdruck Verboten


Verlag: M. Schnerr Nachf, Marktbreit a. Main Nachdruck Verboten

Jane Dawkings has given me the address of a hotel owned by a friend (Lady Scotch) of hers and it’s very cheap so that is where I moved today. Nothing else to say just now, have been in Rothenburg all day.

Verlag: M. Schnerr Nachf, Marktbreit a. Main Nachdruck Verboten


August 28th, 1936 at 1:20 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink



This was one of the places we visited on the lakeside, it’s a little chapel and there’s a cafe on the left of the buildings. We are on the way home now and are having supper in an in at Wassenburg on the inn. We were within 14 miles of Schburg [???] this PM and saw wholly snow covered Austrian Alps in the distance. There was a girl from Kilmarnock in our bus but that was all I found out as she passed down to the beach. She was wearing a Glasgow University blazer and I’ve since discovered that she’s the girl who danced a Scottish dance at the summer Juliena [???] house ball affair this week.



July 25th, 1936 at 1:19 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

1768 Obere Furstalm geg Rotwand

Liebetant! Vielen Dang fur diene karte. Ich hoffe alles Weidenmill zint wohl. Munchen ist eine sher sehon.
Iche liebe Duetschland.

1768 Obere Furstalm geg Rotwand



1768 Obere Furstalm geg Rotwand

Obere Furstalm
Bes. Joh. Ehrensberger, ganzjahrig bewirtschaftet.
Betten u. Matratzenlager, guye Verpflegung
Herrliches Skigelande
Nr. 1768 Aufnahme u. Verlag Georg Eitzenberger, Photograph, Schliersee Jede Art Vervielfaltigung verboten

August 1st, 1936 at 6:56 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Der Konigssee vom Malerwinkel

Another view of the lake we [???] boated up and down, the water was very clear and the lake is five miles long and one-and-half miles broad at it’s widest point. There are lots of tablets and stones engraved on the stone bases of the mountains at the waters edge in memory of people who have lost their lives in storms etc. One lot of seventy souls[???] went down at once in a storm. Excuse the [???] out but there’s a bit of a row going on. Love from Helen.

Der Konigssee vom Malerwinkel



Der Konigssee vom Malerwinkel

Aus Dem Berchtesgadener Land
Aufnahme und Verlag F. G. Zeltz, Konigssee/Obh

July 25th, 1936 at 12:15 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Huber Postkarte Nr. 4551

Huber Postkarte Nr. 4551



Huber Postkarte Nr. 4551

Orig. -Aufn. v. Hans Huber, Alipner Verlag, Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

August 24th, 1937 at 12:14 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink